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Church of the Holy Family

The Sagrada Família de la Bauma, located in Castellbell i el Vilar, is a church of great historical and architectural importance. Built between 1905 and 1908 on the initiative of Joan Vial, owner of the local factory, with the support of the Bishopric, this church was a prominent symbol of the textile colony and the Bauma neighborhood. Designed by the renowned architect Alexandre Soler i March, it presents a monumental architecture of medievalist style, with a wide floor plan and three naves separated by columns decorated with plant motifs. The slender and vertical aspect of the church, together with its circular bell tower crowned with a conical body, gives it a distinctive Central European air.

The inauguration of the Sagrada Família in 1908, presided over by the Bishop of Vic and attended by prominent personalities, marked a milestone in local history. However, in 1971, flooding caused by a heavy flash flood caused serious damage to the facilities and the surrounding land. The residents of Bauma, in an act of solidarity and commitment to their heritage, came together to rebuild the church, providing both financial donations and manual labor. This act of resilience and community highlighted the deep bond between the local inhabitants and their place of worship, thus preserving this important monument for future generations.

    • Address
      Carrer Bauma, 15, Castellbell i el Vilar, Barcelona
    • Web
    • Visiting Hours
    • What to see
      Neo-medieval church

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