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Cruceiro of Melide

The Cruceiro de Melide, considered the oldest in Galicia and dating from the fourteenth century, stands in the village of Melide, near the church of San Roque. With a representation of Christ Majesty on the obverse and a Calvary on the reverse, this Gothic monument has an octagonal shaft and a cross that was possibly part of a former petrean altar. Although its original structure has been lost, its importance lies in its antiquity and its religious and cultural significance.

Like many other Galician cruceiros, the Melide cruceiro served an initial function of sanctifying places and protecting from evil forces, but over time it was also used to mark routes and territories, especially in the context of the Camino de Santiago. The presence of this cruceiro in the heart of Melide makes it a point of reference for pilgrims walking the French and Primitive Way, adding to its historical importance a symbolic and spiritual value.

Images courtesy GuiaVisualdelCaminoPrimitivo

  • Address
    38, Rúa Cantón San Roque, 36, Melide, A Coruña
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
    Always open
  • What to see

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