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Gallarus Castle

  • Address
    Boherboy, Co. Kerry, Ireland
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
  • What to see
    Castle of 15th century

Gallarus Castle, located on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland, stands as a historic testament to the prominent Fitzgerald family. Built in the 15th century, the castle reflects the architecture of the time and served as the residence of the Fitzgerald nobility for centuries. Its strategic location on the coast suggests a defensive purpose, highlighting its importance in the history of the Fitzgerald family and its connection to the political and social context of the time.

Within the framework of Cosán Na Naomh, Gallarus Castle emerges as a significant landmark on the pilgrimage route. The presence of the castle on this route suggests an intersection between secular history and spirituality, offering pilgrims not only a testament to past nobility, but also a reminder of the cultural and historical richness that permeates the region.

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