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Jaffa Port old Harbour

  • Address
    Jaffa, Harbour, Israel
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
    Always open
  • What to see
    Old harbor


Jaffa is a port city. The earliest evidence of the city is mentioned in an Egyptian papyrus about 3500 years ago about the conquest of Jaffa from the Canaanites by Pharaoh Thutmose III. The port of Jaffa is mentioned in the Bible as the place from which the prophet Jonah fled to Tarshish.

In the book of 2 Chronicles, it is written that ships arrived at the port of Jaffa, bringing with them wood for the construction of the first temple. In the port, the ancient pier was preserved, where, according to the Christian belief, Santiago’s body was transferred to Galicia.

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