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Kealkill Stone Circle

  • Address
    Kealkill, Co. Cork, Ireland
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
    Always open
  • What to see
    Megalithic stone circle


The Kealkill Stone Circle, located in the Maughanaclea Hills overlooking Sheep’s Head Peninsula and Bantry Bay in County Cork, is a unique megalithic site in southwest Ireland. It consists of five stones, but what distinguishes it is the presence of at least two additional monuments nearby. About 5 meters northeast of the circle are two stones in pairs, one of which is over 4 meters high. Behind the pair of stones are the remains of a radial cairn with 18 small upright stones around its perimeter.

Although the 1938 excavation revealed trenches that may have supported a roof structure over the monument, there is no certainty about this. Though its significance has faded, the Kealkill Circle leaves a lasting impression as a site of possible spiritual significance, adding to the pilgrimage experience of the St. Finbarr’s Way.

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