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Monte do Gozo

The small mountain (just over 300 meters high) where the pilgrim arrives from the French Way, and from which the city of Santiago de Compostela can be seen for the first time on the last day of the Camino. Centuries ago there was a chapel at the top of the hill, where pilgrims gave thanks for having reached the end of their journey, shortly before entering the city.

The mountain was the place where Pope John Paul II gathered tens of thousands of young people in 1989, and since then numerous renovation works have been carried out, including places of reception and services for pilgrims, and an auditorium for 40,000 spectators.

  • Address
    Rúa do Monte do Gozo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
    Always open
  • What to see
    From the mountain, the city of Santiago already close



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