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Queen Helen Coptic Orthodox Church

The Ninth Station of the Via Dolorosa commemorates the third fall of Jesus on his way to Calvary. Today, this station is not located on the Via Dolorosa itself, but at the entrance to the Ethiopian Orthodox Monastery and the Coptic Monastery of St. Helena, which together form the roof structure of the subway Chapel of St. Helena in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Formerly, the station was located in the entrance courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, as indicated by an engraved stone cross that still stands in its place. To reach this station from the previous one, pilgrims must return to the main road and take a flight of steps leading to the ninth station, marked by a column shaft next to the corner of the Coptic Patriarchate.

The Coptic Monastery of St. Helena, located in the vicinity of the Ninth Station, is the residence of the Ethiopian monks in Jerusalem. It occupies part of the area of the Costantinian Martyrium and is adjacent to the Chapel of St. Helena. This historic area was taken over by the canons of the Holy Sepulchre in the 12th century. Today, Ethiopian monks preserve this monastic heritage and serve as guardians of these sacred sites for Christians. The monastery is an integral part of the Via Dolorosa route, offering pilgrims the opportunity to reflect on the events of the Lord’s Passion while touring the sites associated with his suffering and sacrifice.


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      Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
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