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San Michele Collegiate Church

The Collegiate Church of St. Michael Archangel in Vico nel Lazio has a history dating back to before the 11th century, at a time when the cult of St. Michael was widespread. In the 19th century its interior was remodeled to create three naves by interconnecting side chapels. The church’s southeast-facing stone facade has a central rose window flanked by arched windows and surmounted by acroteria. Attached to the church is a bell tower with a square base.

The Latin-cross interior has three naves separated by pillars and houses several works of art, including a wooden and mother-of-pearl cross from Jerusalem, an altarpiece from 1687 depicting the Madonna and Child and various saints, and a reliquary bust of St. George from 1613. The vaulted ceiling is decorated with frescoes by Gagliardi and Monacelli, and the church also has an 18th-century organ. The Chapel of the Holy Spirit, located at the end of the left aisle, contains a valuable 12th-century Byzantine altarpiece from Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.

  • Address
    Via Vittorio Emanuele 32, Vico Nel Lazio, Italia
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
  • What to see
    Chapel of the Holy Spirit, mother-of-pearl cross from Jerusalem

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