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Santiago de Montouto Hospice

The royal hospital of Santiago de Montouto was an old pilgrim hostel, located in the vicinity of Fonsagrada (Lugo), on the outskirts of the village of Montouto.

It was founded in 1357 by order of King Pedro I of Castile. The hostel was no longer used as such and was abandoned in the middle of the 20th century.

The location of the hospital varied over the centuries, moving from its original location, in 1698 under the reign of Charles II, near the Peña Labrada menhir to its current location next to the Montouto Dolmen. It is still possible to find some relic hunters in the vicinity of the old hospital looking for (looting) archaeological remains such as ancient coins made of precious metals.

Images courtesy of Guía Visual del Camino Primitivo

  • Address
    Unnamed Road,, 27135 A Fonsagrada, Lugo, España
  • Web
  • Visiting Hours
    Always open
  • What to see


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